Maglev- Transportation in all Kinds of Weather
Ernest M. Fazio
As I was listening to the news the morning of the blizzard the big news was how the transportations systems were in disarray due to the weather.
We all know that air travel is dysfunctional even in the best of times, but given difficult challenges like blizzards, it is flat-line dead. Rail traffic on the other hand is too slow for regular intercity use, and during a blizzard they cannot operate either. So what is a better way to transport ourselves?
The modern 2nd generation Maglev that has been developed on Long Island by Gordon Danby and James Powell can operate in almost any conceivable weather. (These are the same inventors that created the 1st generation Maglev that is now operating in Japan) That may sound like too large a claim, but consider this. The 2nd generation Maglev which is known as Maglev 2000 can run on an elevated beam with all the electrical components inside completely protected from the weather. The snow accumulation on the carrying beam would be small as the wind would blow most of it off. What little snow that may remain would not stop the train because snow and ice are magnetically transparent. The train itself has a high lift about 6 inches from the carry beam, therefore there will be no physical impediment to the trains forward motion.
The Maglev 2000 uses electronic switches, therefore, no frozen switches. Those flames you may see coming from the tracks on an icy day on the LIRR are propane heaters to keep the switches operating. Electronic switches are relatively cheap to build. By building into the system many switch alternatives we can by-pass stations easily to improve commuter schedules.
The Maglev is fast and extremely efficient, but it does not have to go fast to still be worthwhile. It is ideal for commuter trains because it uses the kinetic energy in the vehicle itself to brake. A conventional train has brakes similar to the brakes on a car. The steel and brake pad dust goes into the air we breath. The residue on the walls of the subways we ride in are caused by the braking action. In a conventional commuter train we throw away all of the energy we created in the vehicle every time we stop it With the Maglev, 90% of the kinetic energy is converted back to power in the guideway.
Another consideration is freight. The trucks that carry freight are just as vulnerable to bad weather as planes and conventional rail. The Maglev 2000 has enormous lift capacity. A specially designed Maglev car can carry two fully loaded 50 ton trucks and move in all kinds of weather at speeds of up to 300 MPH. The savings to the truckers would be substantial and the reliability of on-time shipping would be greatly enhanced. This would be a boon to the freight industry, while at the same time creating an entirely new manufacturing industry.
One of the original concerns about Maglev was that it would require an entirely new infrastructure and that would be too costly and disruptive to create. The inventors have devised a cost effective modification that will allow the Maglev to operate on conventional right-of-ways such as the Long Island Railroad. The modification would not prevent conventional trains from operating when the Maglev was not in service.
The question some of you may have is; What is the economic viability? The Maglev infrastructure cost is considerably less that the wheel and track so called high speed rail that is used in other countries, and it is inherently faster. The HSR being promoted by Germany and Japan as well as other designs cannot carry freight. Freight is important because it is the most profitable part of the transportation system. All of these systems being promoted from outside the country will have to be subsidized forever. Maglev can stand on its own economic merits.
Ernest Fazio is Chairman of Long Island Metro Business Action (LIMBA) and spokes person for Maglev 2000 see maglev website